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New PPE Protocol

Dear WCAS Parents, and Guardians,

Just before Spring break started our Provincial Health officer announced some changes to the PHO's.

Child Care setting have received updated guidelines from the Ministry and effective March 28th the following change will take effect in all WCAS Centre's:

  • Mask and PPE use is now a personal choice for all staff, students and visitors. We respect each person and or family’s individual choice to determine what’s right for their needs.

  • We will continue to supply disposable masks at each facility for those who would like to continue to be provided that option, should they forget or need one.

In terms of what protocols, practices and measures will continue in all WCAS facilities:

  • It is the parent or caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that a Daily Health Check is completed for each child before they attend any of our Facilities

  • If a child is experiencing new or worsening possible symptoms of COVID-19, follow the BC CDC guidance on when to test

  • Respect personal space and consider where maintaining physical distance may still be appropriate.

  • Continue to follow the standing guidance on respiratory and hand hygiene – as that pertains to not sharing food or drink, continued hand washing, sanitizing high touch surfaces and areas

  • Stay home when sick.

As we move forward with this change in PPE requirements on Monday March 28th, it is important for all of us to be mindful that everyone will have a different level of comfort with these changes.

For more information on the updated public health guidelines for Child Care settings please visit :

Thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do, to keep our facilities as safe as possible.

Kindest regards,

Candace Beswick

Director of Program's

Westminster Children’s After School Society (WCAS)



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